Friday, January 18, 2019

Program or be programmed

I enjoyed the reading much more this week. I agree with many of the points that Douglas Rushkoff brought up, especially in the first chapter. "we sacrifice the thoughtfulness and deliberateness our digital media once offered for the false goal of immediacy. (Rushkoff and Purvis, 2011)" It wasn't until my kids got older and into technology and I asserted the "no phones at the table" rule that I realized how much of a distraction work and some family situations disrupted my time and diverted my attention. With email, text, and so many other forms of being immediately available it sometimes gets hard to remember that the notification will still be there in 10,20, 30 minutes or even the next day. That what is happening in your inbox isn't as important as what is happening at the moment you're currently living in whether that be spending time with your kids or just enjoying some time to yourself. It's important to disconnect from technology sometimes and just enjoy life.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You make a good point, I think it is important to remember that technology does not control us, we control technology. We decide when to look, read, and respond.

  3. I agree with that, I removed smartphones from my life for a year for this very reason. I just got one again but yeah I think people are too connected to the world in a lot of ways.

  4. Absolutely see how technology has occupied our minds 24/7 and that the occasional disconnect makes you feel as if you can live without it, which gives control to the user rather than the phone. Great Post!

  5. I completely agree that technology needs to be put to rest, and it seems to be so difficult nowadays with our school and work lives that keep roping us back into its use. Don't get me wrong, I do believe that my laptop and phone have its benefits, but I also believe that if we went back to the paper and book days..I wouldn't complain. So I totally agree that we need a time to just put the technology down and away once in a while.
